The Team

About Us


The Terra Nova School is part of the Institute for Global Peacework (IGP) in the Tamera Peace Research Center, located in the south of Portugal.


The Terra Nova School is carried by a committed team of young activists – peace workers in training. Looking into the world situation, we see the clear necessity for a comprehensive change of our whole life system – for this reason, we started the Terra Nova School. In order to believe in this change, our political work is combined with the development of a concrete model where a new life system is researched and manifested. Therefore, the information which is sent through the Terra Nova School is rooted in the daily research of our life in the model. We invite all individual initiatives that work today for a future perspective to unite in a global movement for the creation of a new Earth. May the Terra Nova School be a contribution for an in-depth and humane revolution, and a catalyst for global system change.


Who we are

Martin Winiecki, coordinaton and spanish-speaking network

Dara Silverman, english-speaking network

Nora Czajkowski, german-speaking network

Rui Braga, portuguese-speaking network

Inês Magalhães, portuguese-speaking network and secretary

Peter Lewerenz, database, website, logistic support and geman-speaking network

Ludwig Schramm, media

Juliane Paul, layout and design

Jan Regelmann, layout and design

Joshua Gottdenker, Webdesign/CSS

Monika Alleweldt, tutor, lektorate

Martin Pfeiffer, Typo3 web programmierung



Contact & Info:

Just write a mail to igp(a)